


Tourism plays an important role and its impact on the environment is inevitable. This is why we choose to work in partnership with a local company “Miel l’Été Doré” located in Woburn.
To survive and collect their food, bees must forage from flower to flower. As a result, they pollinate fruits and vegetables ensuring their reproduction. Bees remain the most important pollinators in Canada. Their activity generates 80% of the food on our plates. This shows how much bees are part of the chain of life. Without their action, several ecosystems would collapse.

However, honey bees must be able to rely on human beings to protect them from cold, prey and parasites. Sponsorship of hives allows the beekeeper to increase the number of bees in a region, in addition to raising people’s awareness of the crucial role of the bee in plant and agricultural biodiversity.
Bees particularly like to forage on dandelion, clover and goldenrod. That said, offering them a great floral diversity remains the guarantee of an abundant honey harvest and good quality pollen and propolis.

We sow consciousness one bee at a time!


How about enjoying a hot honeyed water with Tammy-Lyne, beekeeper of Miel l’été doré?

We offer you warm encounters that will take place in the magnificent gardens of Tammy-Lyne. An opportunity to discuss the fabulous insect that is the bee and the treasures of the hive. While chatting, you will discover foraging bees in an enchanting setting, a part of their fascinating world and hive products (sold on site).

Warning: extremely pleasant activity that carries a risk of addiction!

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